Written by Lunar


This document is intended to assist new & intermediate players interested in playing Dead Apostle Noel. DA Noel’s combo routing is quite unique in contrast to the rest of the cast, as her oki is 100% crucial to her gameplan. DA Noel’s Crossup-Protection break oki can only be attained through (launcher) TK236BB TK214B (normals) 236B~dl.B 214C, and as we all know, this can be frustrating to learn. I plan on creating a full video series and guide for DA Noel, but for now, we’ll exclusively focus on execution and okizeme options.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6220118b-76c7-470c-9776-2b4628e500d7/pat-054_fr-10_2_280x280.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6220118b-76c7-470c-9776-2b4628e500d7/pat-054_fr-10_2_280x280.png" width="40px" /> Disclaimer!

Dead Apostle Noel is a complex character, thus allowing her to be played effectively in various styles. Learning and consistently executing her 3-way, in my opinion, is the most stable and potent way to play the character. Despite this, she has alternative okizeme options. I will not be covering those in this document, but here’s a link for some ideas.


